Mental health in a positive way

Understanding yourself; Handling negative feelings and crises in a ‘positive’ way.

In the past few years, conversations surrounding mental health have come on in leaps and bounds. From celebrities opening up…

To lose or not to lose; Managing weight without self-hate.

Let’s be real about this; when it comes to our views on weight, a lot of us are hypocrites. It’s…

Sobriety & self-care: a necessary union.

I’m not going to lie, I’ve probably turned into a bit of a pain in the arse recently, talking about…

10 things to do on a Self-Care Sunday

Oh bollocks, it’s Sunday! Everything went so quickly this weekend and now I don’t want to go back to work, I’m not ready, I actually feel a bit sick- Stop! You don’t feel sick, you just haven’t had enough time for yourself for what is a…